Hip Replacement is a surgical procedure, also known as hip arthroplasty (a joint replacement surgery). An orthopaedic surgeon will replace your full hip or parts of it with an implant (a prosthesis).

Orthopaedic will only recommend a hip replacement surgery after all conservative treatments are exhausted and your pain or mobility symptoms don’t improve. Hip replacement recovery can take up to 12 weeks, but most patients, who had a hip replacementsurgery, live with it for the rest of their lives.

Hip replacement surgery types

Orthopaedic surgeon will perform either a partial hip replacement or a total hip replacement surgery:

  • Total Hip Replacement Surgery implies a replacement of your whole hip with a prosthetic joint. Top (femoral head) of your thighbone (femur) and the socket it fits into (acetabulum) will be replaced. Most of all hip replacements in Kenya are total hip replacement surgeries.
  • Partial Hip Replacement Surgery is rather rare. As name suggests, a surgeon will replace only a part of your hip. These are usually only done to repair certain types of broken hips (hip fractures) or to remove certain types of tumors in the hip.

Hip replacement surgery benefits

Generally, hip replacement surgeries are very successful. Most patients, who have a hip replacement, experience a dramatic improvement in their quality of life.

When you’re fully recovered after a hip replacement, you should have an increased mobility and range of motion. A hip replacement procedure makes it easier to walk, climb stairs and do other daily physical activities.

Hip replacement recovery

Everyone’s body may respond differently to a hip replacement. Usually it takes patients several months to recover, during which you’ll need physio therapy sessions.

You’ll have to do exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles around your hip joint. Gradually, you will return to climbing stairs, bending and walking. You’ll regain your range of motion and strength over time. It might take around 6 to 12 weeks before you’re able to use your hip without restrictions.

Orthopaedic and physiotherapist will advice you on how to move around your home safely after your hip surgery:

Do you need Hip replacement surgery?

You might require a hip replacement surgery, if symptoms in your hip are making it hard to participate in your daily routine. Before opting for surgery, most people try other, more conservative treatments like medication, physical therapy.

Arthritis is the most common cause of hip pain and other symptoms that may lead to people needing a hip replacement surgery. Some of the most common types of arthritis can affect your hip, such as:

  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Psoriatic arthritis.

Other health conditions, which can damage your hip joint enough to require a hip replacement:

  • Osteonecrosis.
  • Traumas like car accidents or falls.
  • Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (hip impingement).
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Benign tumors (neoplasms).
  • Cancer.
  • Perthes disease.

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